
1. Forms for current undergraduate and master’s studies
Certificate issuance
Practical training
Examination grade appeal
Interruption of studies
Participation at an exam for grade increase
Redoing the activity within a discipline
Participation at a discipline within an inactive study program
Including the grade of the optional subject in the year average
Transfer from fee-based studies to budget-financed studies
Postponement of tax payment
Fee refund due to transfer from fee-based studies to budget-financed studies
Withdraw from university studies

Completed forms are sent to the FCCIA Secretariat with complete data, by e-mail to the address or in printed format. The exception is the examination grade appeal form, which will be sent by e-mail to the address or in printed format to the Secretariat of the FCCIA Deanship.
If you choose the method of e-mail transmission, for the ease of processing the request, you should specify the type of request in the title of the message.

2. Forms for undergraduate and master’s studies completion
Undergraduate thesis guidance
Declaration of originality for undergraduate work
License exam registration
Undergraduate thesis report

Dissertation thesis guidance
Declaration of originality for dissertation work
Dissertation exam registration
Dissertation thesis report

*The submitted documents will strictly comply with the standard typed form.