Civil, Industrial and Agricultural Buildings (CCIA)

UTCB \ Join us \ Undergraduate studies \ Civil, Industrial and Agricultural Buildings (CCIA)

Civil, Industrial and Agricultural Buildings (Civil Engineering field of study) is the oldest specialization, present since the establishment of the faculty. Every year more than 150 young people receive the construction engineer diploma following this traditional study program. They specialize in the complex design of buildings from an engineering point of view, the composition and calculation of resistance structures using the most modern calculation methods, the evaluation of acoustic and thermal comfort in buildings, the execution of buildings and the management of construction works. Our graduates proudly represent us in the largest design offices in the country and on the construction sites of major investment targets.

The studies in this undergraduate program in the field of Civil Engineering are organized for the duration of four university years and are carried out in the faculty headquarters at 124 Lacul Tei Blvd., Sector 2, Bucharest.

Choose this specialization if you want to work as a construction engineer in the following fields:
a) building design;
b) execution of buildings;
c) management of construction works;
d) public administration;
e) building maintenance and operation;
f) production of construction materials.

Education Plan (University Year 2023-2024)
