The calendar regarding the activities required for studies completion (undergraduate + master’s) can be consulted here.
In the situation where the graduates cannot obtain the supervisor’s opinion on the exam registration application until the date mentioned in the document (July 25-26), the graduates are asked to send an e-mail to the FCCIA secretariat ( in which they will express their intention to participate in the exam in the September 2024 session, so that the secretariat has the necessary time to conclude the school situation and to estimate the number of participants.
The useful information published on June 3rd is still up-to-date.
In the FCCIA Council meeting on 11.06.2024 the lists of topics for diploma projects / undergraduate theses and for dissertation theses were updated.
The calendar regarding the activities required for studies completion (undergraduate + master’s) can be consulted here.
The steps to be followed in order to attend the license / diploma exam are as follows:
1. Submission of the request for the topic assignment:
2. Preparation of the diploma project / undergraduate thesis in accordance with the Framework Structure approved by the FCCIA Council.
3. Sending the diploma project / bachelor thesis in electronic format (pdf) to the department to which the supervising professor belongs within at least 14 days before the period in which the defense is scheduled.
4. Registration for the graduation exam:
5. Submission of the diploma project / undergraduate thesis in written format to the department to which the tutor belongs:
6. Within each department, a similarity analysis completed with a Similarity Report will be carried out on the diploma project / undergraduate thesis. Based on a critical analysis of this Report, the supervisor fills in the originality assessment form, a document which will be attached to the project / thesis.
7. If, according to the assessment form, the project / thesis meets the conditions of originality, the graduate will submit the diploma project / undergraduate thesis according to the allocation posted by the secretariat.
The steps to be followed in order to defend the dissertation exam are as follows:
1. Submission of the application for the topic assignment:
2. Preparation of the dissertation according to the template approved by the FCCIA Council.
3. Sending the dissertation thesis in electronic format (pdf) to the department to which the supervising professor belongs within at least 14 days before the period in which the defense is scheduled.
4. Registration for the graduation exam:
5. Submission of the dissertation in written format to the department to which the supervising professor belongs:
6. Within each department, a similarity analysis completed with a Similarity Report will be performed on the dissertation thesis. Based on a critical analysis of this Report, the supervising professor completes the originality assessment form, a document that will be attached to the thesis.
7. If, according to the assessment form, the thesis meets the originality conditions, the graduate will defend the dissertation according to the allocation posted by the secretariat.
For more details related to the graduation process, please see the Methodology for organizing and conducting graduation exams.