Building information modelling (BIM) is a professional master’s degree program in the field of master’s studies in civil engineering and installations. The program has a wide addressable area and a pronounced trans-disciplinary character, being open to engineers, architects, economists, managers, or graduates of other complementary specializations. The aim of this master’s program is to incorporate the tools of building information modelling and to develop the skills necessary to carry out the activity of integrated building project management.
The master’s degree program Building information modelling (BIM) is mainly oriented towards the formation and deepening of professional skills in the field of civil engineering and installations, with applicability in any related field related to constructions, from approvals, conception, design, execution, quality control, maintenance and post-use, benefiting from any type of financing – public or private.
Faculty of Civil, Industrial and Agricultural Buildings (FCCIA) in the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest (UTCB), through the Master’s degree program Building Information Modelling (BIM), undertakes the didactic and professional mission of training specialists both for public administration and for design, execution, technical assistance and consulting companies. Understanding the need and demand from the domestic and international market, to make projects as feasible as possible, quantities of materials precisely evaluated, an understanding of the 3D model by the investor and contractor much faster and easier, an execution and a follow-up of its quality exactly with the project, a much easier execution schedule, all data being automatically found in the Building Technical Book to be able to access and maintain it throughout the life of the construction.
The master’s degree program Building information modelling (BIM) is developed over three semesters of studies, offering graduates 90 credits (ECTS).