Urban and Regional Development (DUR)

UTCB \ Join us \ Master’s studies \ Urban and Regional Development (DUR)

DUR is a professional master’s degree, open to engineers, architects, economists, geographers or graduates of other complementary specializations. The aim of this master’s degree is to develop skills for the process of planning, designing, implementing and operating complex urban and regional development projects.

The curriculum follows current international trends in the EU, USA, Canada, Japan. DUR graduates have the necessary skills to prepare documentation for obtaining financing and implementing urban and regional infrastructure projects: buildings, industrial constructions, roads, water supply and sewage systems, etc.

The DUR master’s degree is correlated with the requirements of the labor market as a result of the consultations organized by the FCCIA with employers from local and central public administration institutions and with design, execution and consulting firms. This fact is demonstrated by the large number of graduates working in the field after completing their master’s studies.

Brief history National and global context

INFO 2022-2023 INFO 2021-2022

Graduates Doctoral studies