Urban Engineering and Regional Development (IUDR)

UTCB \ Join us \ Undergraduate studies \ Urban Engineering and Regional Development (IUDR)


Urban Engineering and Regional Development (Civil Engineering field of study) – a specialization designed for the training of engineers specialized in urban planning and projects for local and regional development. Graduates of this study program can coordinate within the local and central public administration the projects aimed at the infrastructure of the localities, prepare studies for the substantiation of town planning plans and integrated urban development projects and studies for the substantiation of public and private investments, plan, organize and manage resources for construction works. It is the youngest specialization of the FCCIA specially designed to meet the current development requirements of Romania in the context of European integration by training engineers for public administration, design and execution.

The studies in this bachelor’s program in the field of Civil Engineering are organized for the duration of four university years and are carried out in the faculty headquarters at 124 Lacul Tei Blvd., Sector 2, Bucharest.

Choose this specialization if you want to work as a construction engineer in the following fields:

In the higher education system of the countries of the European Union, all major technical universities have developed in the last 30-40 years distinct specializations for the interdisciplinary training of students in the field of civil engineering, providing relevant skills for solving the complex problems of urban and regional development.
In France, Germany, Spain, Great Britain, Italy, Holland, Ireland, the “Urban Engineering and Regional Development” specialization exists within the higher technical construction education under different names, for example:

Brief history National and global context Mission and objectives

Education plan Academic Year 2021-2022 Competences

Graduates Master’s